Step up, speak up!

The inability to speak up can have a negative impact on our emotional and behavioral functioning. It can gradually erode our confidence and limit our growth potential. Let me share with you the story of Rahul, a small-town boy who overcame his fear of speaking up and gained success.

Rahul is an intelligent and capable person who always has a workable solution for any problem. However, he is not very talkative and prefers to speak only when the environment is conducive. Before starting his career, he spent most of his time with his limited set of friends, leading a happy life in his own world.

At the start of his career, Rahul landed in a team where trust and collaboration were low. The competitive environment made him hesitant to express his thoughts, share ideas or raise concerns. He continued to work in similar environments for about five years, which gradually eroded his confidence. He limited himself to assigned tasks and never came forward with any solution or suggestion.

However, a turning point arrived when Rahul was pulled into a new team that required him to deliver more than what was assigned. Fortunately, the new team was receptive, engaging and open to ideas. This gradually helped Rahul to overcome his fears and contribute effectively to the team’s success.

We all have a little bit of Rahul within us. It’s essential to identify the fears that hold us back and overcome them to make our voice heard. The reasons why people hesitate to come forward and voice their opinions include lack of confidence, lack of interest, fear of making others angry, and avoiding unwanted debates.

Leadership plays a crucial role in unlocking the true potential of their teams. They need to build an inclusive culture by removing the noise created by a smaller population that stifles others’ voices. The good news is that such people are usually a minority, but the bad news is that they can still negatively impact team culture.

In conclusion, it’s important to overcome our fears and speak up to achieve personal growth and recognition, create a positive and inclusive environment, and contribute to organizational growth.

Step up, speak up! to create an inclusive environment for everyone.


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