Is not being resilient the cause of your repeated problems?

Author – Vikas Dhankhar

Mr. John is a hardworking and intelligent individual who always puts in his best effort in everything he does. Unfortunately, despite his efforts, he did not receive the salary hike he was hoping for, which left him feeling upset and demotivated. As a result, his work began to suffer, and it took him a long time to overcome his low mood and start operating at his usual level of productivity.

Subsequently, Mr. John experienced several other personal issues that also left him feeling low and took a long time to overcome. Unfortunately, his low mood and negative emotions continued to impact his work productivity, creating additional problems for him to deal with.

Time has passed quickly, and once again the appraisal day has arrived!

What do you think what kind of salary increase Mr. John will receive this time?

….Regrettably, the pattern repeats itself, with a mix of new and familiar challenges.

Mr. John is questioning himself, asking “why me?” and wondering what he may be missing. When he looks back on his previous experiences, he can identify valid reasons for his reactions, which only adds to his confusion and leaves him unsure of what went wrong.

Life is full of uncertainty, with many circumstances beyond our control. As Mr. John experienced, we all encounter highs and lows, some of which are transformative and sudden, while others gradually shape our behavior and outlook. Our attitude in the face of these challenges holds the power to shape our future.

It is normal to feel low or frustrated at times. Everyone experiences hurt and disappointment. However, it is crucial to focus on how quickly we can bounce back from these low moments. The longer we remain disengaged, the more problems we may encounter. While Mr. John struggled to handle himself during such moments, others are more adept at quickly overcoming unpleasant situations and avoiding the pitfalls of a negative cycle. This ability can make a significant difference and turn the situation in their favor.

How do you handle your low moments?
Take a moment to pause and reflect on some of your own low moments. These could be situations of any size, such as a negative meeting, workplace politics, someone unfairly blaming you, someone attempting to belittle you, or a disagreement with a spouse, colleague, or friend.
– Did you restrain yourself for an extended period? or 
– Were you able to swiftly recover and continue putting forth your best effort?

What can be done to overcome unpleasant situations?
In my experience, certain strategies have proven helpful for overcoming low moments, and I would like to share them with you. –
Vent out the anger/share your frustration with people you trust.
Focus on things that are in your control, not the ones beyond your control.
Think big. This makes small setbacks insignificant.
Read good books/positive stories.
Go for your favorite physical sport/exercise.
And the last one from ‘The Shrimad Bhagavad Gita’ –  कर्म करो फल की चिंता मत करो i.e. do your duty without thinking about the result.

You can’t change the past, but you can always turn around your story by being resilient!


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